

001. Jackson Chameleon
002. Blank Reading
003. Yan Jiang
004. Curioconnect
005. View From Outside
006. Kyungwoon Museum
007. The Furthest Away
008. Eternity and a Day
009. Made to Measure
010. Plasticity 02
011. Antenna
012. Death Valley
013. Apter
014. Stranger Than Matter
015. KiKi
016. TRDST
017. Sunset Fieldset
018. Muljilsegye
019. Unknown Witness 
020. Great Comfort
021. Plasticity 01
022. Perspective Implant Manual
      Through The Looking Apparatus

023. Point in Time
024. Metaphor32
025. A Collection of Everyday Life Objets
026. La Maison Unal
027. Time After Time
028. Recto Verso
029. Type Painting
030. Bingyan Wu

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Perspective Implant Manual,

Through The Looking Appararus

Offset, 52 pages, 32 pages, 2000 copies

Language: Korean
Art direction and design of booklet for the exhibition Landscape Being Decoded—MMCA Performing Arts 2021: Multiverse by Hoonida Kim at the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul


Concept, Text by Hoonida Kim
Edit by Shin Yeasul

Typeface: Anton by Vernon Adams, IBM Plex Mono (ENG) Pretendard, Gowun Dodum (KR)

Print by Intime, South Korea